The Last Remnant Wiki

The Workshop in Athlum.

The Workshop is an NPC shop where you can upgrade your weapon or shield and create or disassemble equipment. A workshop can be found in every town and will be available after you finish the quest Mr. Diggs.

Item Creation[]

This is a list of all the equipment you can create in the workshop. If an item requires a certain customization level, you will need that exact level in your inventory for the item to show up in the workshop (ie having Legendary does not give you Basic or Professional). Some items will appear as soon as you have one of the components, but all of them will show up if you have them all (and the customization rank of course). If you want to know exactly which component is needed for the item to appear in the workshop, follow the item's link.


Type Name Price Customization Item 1 Item 2 Item 3
Sword Stoneblade 2450 - Stone x3 Bone Fragment x3 Beast Fur x4
Sword Predator Spur 3670 - Light Metal x2 Homunculus Hide x7 Enormous Chimera Scale x2
Sword Ridill 70950 Intermediate Truesilver Ore x2 Goblin Core x1 Mermaid Core x1
Sword Durendal 90300 - Remnant Fragment x1 Primordial Alloy x1 -
Sword Danse Macabre 109650 Intermediate Divine Metal x1 Rough Kobold Stone x1 Aerial Insecta Wing x3
Sword Predator Wing 4690 - Light Metal x2 Imp Talon x4 Land Dragon Rawhide x3
Sword Fellswoop 81590 - Remnant Fragment x1 Orichalcum x1 -
Sword Superlative Zweihänder 107640 - Battered Colossus Helm x1 Mystic Skelenyte x1 Tough Killer Insect Husk x2
Sword Gram 15470 - Astra Alloy x3 Urn x2 Imp Tail x2
Sword Slaughterknife 318630 Advanced Jewel Steel x2 Leap Frog Fin x4 World Tree Timber x2
Katana Dragonfly 72770 - Battered Katana x1 Curled Quien Fur x2 Torn Scripture x2
Katana Wingclipper 33660 - Gold Ore x1 Tough Rockshell Shell x2 Archfiend Meat x3
Katana Murasame 294120 Advanced Jewel Steel x2 Grand Spider Fluid x4 Ancient Carapace x2
Katana Bonecleaver 140330 - Atrocious Pot x1 Poison Deathclaw Talon x2 Mystic Skelenyte x1
Axe Stone Axe 10200 - Stone x10 Quality Timber x3 Grand Spider Carapace x3
Axe Wyrmrazor 149000 Intermediate Blacksteel Ore x1 Faerie Rawhide x4 Thin Oarfish Wing x2
Axe Goldenaxe 43310 - Weapon Recipe 34 x1 Sticky Fluid x3 Medal of Strength x2
Axe Djinslayer 137060 - Nether Splinter x1 Divine Metal x1 -
Axe White Tiger 71610 - Snowy Crystal x2 Rough Goblin Stone x1 Faerie Fluid x3
Mace Power Mallet 94820 Intermediate Rusted Mace x1 Divine Dragonyte x1 Rough Siren Stone x1
Mace Ogrebrawn 318630 Advanced Jewel Steel x2 Sharp Landworm Fang x4 Pangu's Bone x2
Mace Cocytus's Cry 196400 Intermediate Blacksteel Ore x1 Greater Demon Tail x2 Sky Dragon Fluid x1
Spear Centaur Lance 13260 - Shadow Metal x3 Sturdy Vine x3 Wyvern Talon x3
Spear Bluedrake Spear 66500 - Sapphire Crystal x2 Rough Mermaid Stone x1 Tanned Archfiend Hide x2
Spear Coral Lance 90090 - Weapon Recipe 51 x1 Coral x3 -
Spear Scorpion Spear 142550 - Remnant Fragment x1 Crimson Ore x1 -
Spear Guisarme 25880 - Aged Axe x1 Antique Platter x2 Glowfly x3
Spear Gigaspear 36890 - Aged Spear x1 Royotian Steel x1 Silver Ore x1
Spear Ousterlance 209950 Intermediate Blacksteel Ore x1 Darkfiend Wing x1 Phantom Talon x2
Staff Cleric's Crook 3260 - Stone x1 Commemorative Medal x3 Homunculus Hide x7
Staff Phoenix Perch 69050 - Ruby Crystal x2 Rough Leprechaun Stone x1 War Dragon Rawhide x3
Staff Soulscepter 253940 Intermediate Jewel Steel x2 Large Grand Beetle Barb x4 Preinca Shell x2
Staff Wyrmstaff 367650 Advanced Jewel Steel x2 Demon Mane x4 Flockfly x2
Staff Wyrmstaff 306380 Advanced Jewel Steel x2 Abelisk Sternum x4 Flockfly x2

Shield Shields[]

Name Price Customization Item 1 Item 2 Item 3
Quadrashield 6800 - Lead x2 Metal Scraps x2 Clamoring Bulb x3
Lowland Shield 103950 Intermediate War Dragon Bone x1 Tanned Demon Hide x3 Mystic Skelenyte x5
Forsaker 72240 Basic Aged Shield x1 Imperium x1 Magick Lamp x1
Aqueous Shield 100980 - Damaged Shield x1 Polished Scale x3 Ur Seed x1
Celestial Carapace 71610 - Emerald Crystal x2 Rough Troll Stone x1 Heirloom Pot x1

Necklace Necklaces[]

Name Price Customization Item 1 Item 2 Item 3
Ophidian Choker 2020 - Chimera Scale x1 Wildgrass x2 Bone Fragment x3
Fang Chain 3020 - Necklace Recipe 1 x1 Fang x5 Fur x2
Horn Chain 7560 - Large Horn x4 Superior Fur x2 Nage Leaf x2
Floral Wreath 7560 - Necklace Recipe 2 x1 Passionbloom x2 Quality Timber x4
Bone Necklace 8820 - Necklace Recipe 3 x1 Beastman Bone x3 Sky Dragon Husk x1
Talon Chain 13230 - Necklace Recipe 4 x1 Darkfiend Talon x4 Royotian Steel x1
Ondine's Mercy 13230 Basic Ondine's Pear x1 Dragon Egg x2 Spiritlord Beak x5
Chain of Goading 17640 - Shellfly Scalp x1 Superior Cotton x1 Shed Husk x4
Fiend Chain 17640 - Necklace Recipe 5 x1 Mystic Fiend Husk x4 Mystic Fiend Horn x3
Chain of Gobbling 20790 - Spiritlord Beak x1 Royal Platter x1 Sharp Grand Spider Talon x2
Mermaid's Favor 20790 Basic Mermaid's Barrel x1 Sky Dragon Talon x2 Vulture Wing x2
Azurangel Locket 32130 - Aged Necklace x1 Sapphire Crystal x1 Crimson Ore x1
Wyvern Chain 32130 - Necklace Recipe 6 x1 Sky Dragon Wing x2 Large Talon x3
Draconile Necklace 32130 - Necklace Recipe 7 x1 Divine Dragonyte x1 Large Dragon Bone x2
Prismic Necklace 39690 - Necklace Recipe 8 x1 Mystic Skelenyte x1 Ancient Vine x1
Knocker's Ward 39690 Basic Knocker's Ceylon x1 Large Donda Talon x2 War Dragon Fluid x2
Chain of Gliding 49140 - Large Spiritlord Beak x3 Ancient Vine x2 Death Cornea x1
Damascene Necklace 49140 Basic Decayed Necklace x1 Blacksteel Ore x1 Flockfly x2
Wyrm Pendant 60480 Intermediate Dragonicle Ore x1 Pangu's Bone x2 Large Dragon Scale x1
Idol Necklace 32130 - Idol Fragment x1 Kobold Core x1 Divine Dragonyte x2
Doom Chain 60480 - Twilight of the Gods x1 Stone Orb x1 Meller Crystal x3
Carnage Chain 71820 - Clay Dinosaur Idol x1 Stone Orb x1 Crystal Skull x1

Ring Rings[]

Name Price Customization Item 1 Item 2 Item 3
Ring of Girding 3600 - Ring Recipe 1 x1 Translucent Water x2 Beast Scale x3
Betrothal Band 3600 - Ring Recipe 2 x1 Elven Core x1 Sweet Nectar x6
Alp's Repose 5400 - Alp's Briolette x1 Amoeba Eyes x4 Archfiend Bone x4
Ring of Grinding 6300 - Beastman Bone x3 Sky Dragon Fang x2 Faerie Fang x3
Zalewood Band 6300 - Ring Recipe 3 x1 Zale Timber x2 Rough Oberon Stone x1
Cúchulainn's Lament 6300 - Cúchulainn's Heart x1 Grand Beetle Fluid x2 Titicaca Leaf x2
Merman's Calm 9450 Basic Merman's French x1 Dragon Egg x2 Spiritlord Wing x3
Ring of Goring 9450 - Ring Recipe 4 x1 Large Horn x4 Worn Manuscript x2
Floral Ring 12600 - Ring Recipe 5 x1 Amourose x1 Angoran Cloth x1
Ruby Ring 14850 - Ruby Crystal x1 Abelisk Talon x1 Inverted Raptor Talon x2
Emerald Ring 14850 - Emerald Crystal x1 Abelisk Talon x1 Inverted Raptor Talon x2
Sapphire Ring 14850 - Sapphire Crystal x1 Abelisk Talon x1 Inverted Raptor Talon x2
Ivory Ring 14850 - Snowy Crystal x1 Abelisk Talon x1 Tanned Jhana Hide x2
Coral Band 22950 - Ring Recipe 6 x1 Coral x3 Torn Scripture x1
Draconile Ring 22950 - Ring Recipe 7 x1 Divine Dragonyte x1 Large Dragon Bone x2
Prismic Ring 28350 - Ring Recipe 8 x1 Mystic Skelenyte x1 Ancient Vine x1
Saintly Band 28350 - Aged Ring x1 Dwarven Core x1 Archfiend Wing x2
Ring of Gobbling 35100 - Hydra Fin x3 Ancient Vine x2 Death Cornea x1
Damascene Ring 35100 Basic Broken Ring x1 Blacksteel Ore x1 Preinca Shell x3
Faerie Band 35100 Intermediate Knocker Core x1 Legendary Platter x1 Necrotic Metal x1
Longeval Cord 43200 Basic Ancient Vine x2 World Tree Timber x2 Faerie Rawhide x6
Idol Signet 14850 - Idol Fragment x1 Leprechaun Core x1 Gold Ore x2
Hannah's Band 28350 - Heart of Loyalty x1 Platinum Ore x1 Circular Albic Hide x3

Bracelet Bracelets[]

Name Price Customization Item 1 Item 2 Item 3
Bracelet of Guarding 1780 - Armlet Recipe 1 x1 Land Insecta Husk x6 Commemorative Medal x2
Sylph's Bane 4440 - Sylph's Marquise x1 Treant Leg x2 Faerie Fang x4
Sylph's Bane 4440 - Armlet Recipe 3 x1 Rough Sylph Stone x1 Winged Insecta Feather x4
Mercy Wristlet 4440 - Armlet Recipe 2 x1 Sylph Core x1 Tanned Albic Hide x2
Bracelet of Grafting 5180 - Tanned Albic Hide x2 Winged Insecta Meat x5 -
Obsidian Wristlet 5180 - Obsidian Fragment x1 Withered Parchment x2 Imp Fur x4
Bracelet of Garnishing 7770 - Empty Hydra Shell x1 Royotian Steel x1 Fruit of Prela x3
Televa Wristlet 7770 - Armlet Recipe 4 x1 Televa Vine x1 Leap Frog Membrane x4
Pixie's Scorn 7770 Basic Pixie's Rose x1 Dragon Egg x2 Evil Eye Cornea x2
Bracelet of Grooming 12210 - Armlet Recipe 5 x1 Superlative Fur x4 Hydra Leg x4
Troll's Trust 12210 Basic Troll's Cushion x1 Avian Fiend Bone x2 Vulture Wing x1
Coral Wristlet 15540 - Armlet Recipe 6 x1 Coral x2 Mule Hide Cloth x3
Roseraphim Bracelet 18870 - Aged Armlet x1 Ruby Crystal x1 Crimson Ore x1
Draconile Bracelet 18870 - Armlet Recipe 7 x1 Divine Dragonyte x1 Large Dragon Bone x2
Prismic Bracelet 23310 - Armlet Recipe 8 x1 Mystic Skelenyte x1 Ancient Vine x1
Damascene Bracelet 28860 Basic Crushed Armlet x1 Blacksteel Ore x1 Flockfly x2
Soul Wristlet 28860 Intermediate Kelpie Core x1 Legendary Platter x1 Necrotic Metal x1
Idol Bracelet 10360 - Idol Fragment x1 Imperium x1 Vicious Plant Timber x3
Young's Armlet 23310 - Heart of Loyalty x1 Platinum Ore x1 Inverted Chimera Scale x3

Earring Earrings[]

Name Price Customization Item 1 Item 2 Item 3
Earring of Girding 1600 - Mystic Fiend Scale x3 Small Feather x3 Jhana Bone x2
Earring of Growling 2400 - Earring Recipe 1 x1 Fang x5 Darkfiend Rawhide x5
Spriggan's Bounty 4000 - Earring Recipe 2 x1 Rough Spriggan Stone x1 Demon Scale x3
Spriggan's Bounty 4000 - Spriggan's Step x1 Jhana Alloy x1 Vase Fragment x3
Earring of Grinding 6000 - Large Bone x3 Superior Fur x2 Platter Fragment x3
Earring of Gliding 7000 - Earring Recipe 3 x1 Large Feather x3 Coarse Beast Fur x4
Brownie's Glee 10500 Basic Brownie's Bead x1 Dragon Egg x2 Millilegs Fluid x1
Brownie's Glee 10500 - Earring Recipe 4 x1 Rough Brownie Stone x1 Millilegs Fluid x1
Earring of Gobbling 14000 - Spiritlord Beak x1 Superior Cotton x1 Sharp Grand Spider Talon x2
Ruby Solitaire 16500 - Ruby Crystal x1 Viceweed x1 Tanned Jhana Hide x2
Emerald Solitaire 16500 - Emerald Crystal x1 Viceweed x1 Tanned Jhana Hide x2
Sapphire Solitaire 16500 - Sapphire Crystal x1 Viceweed x1 Grand Spider Scalp x2
Ivory Solitaire 16500 - Snowy Crystal x1 Viceweed x1 Grand Spider Scalp x2
Leprechaun's Luck 16500 - Earring Recipe 5 x1 Leprechaun's Scissor x1 Medal of Love x1
Soul Earring 21000 - Earring Recipe 6 x1 Siren Core x1 Soft Aeronite Wing x1
Bugeye Earring 25500 - Moth Eyes x2 Gooey Fluid x2 Superlative Cotton x3
Draconile Earring 25500 - Earring Recipe 7 x1 Divine Dragonyte x1 Netherblossom x1
Stormcloud Bolt 25500 - Aged Earring x1 Voltaic Crystal x1 Crimson Ore x1
Prismic Earring 31500 - Earring Recipe 8 x1 Mystic Skelenyte x1 Ancient Vine x1
Damascene Earring 39000 Basic Mangled Earring x1 Blacksteel Ore x1 Tough Killer Insect Husk x2
Sable Earring 39000 - Black Oil x1 Blacksteel Ore x1 Phantom Husk x3
Idol Earring 16500 - Idol Fragment x1 Troll Core x1 Gold Ore x2
Hinnah's Earring 31500 - Heart of Loyalty x1 Platinum Ore x1 Circular Albic Hide x3

Belt Belts[]

Name Price Customization Item 1 Item 2 Item 3
Belt of Guarding 1380 - Thick Raptor Carapace x1 Vine x2 -
Belt of Garnishing 2060 - Sash Recipe 1 x1 Fly Husk x6 Wildgrass x2
Belt of Grooming 3440 - Fur x3 Natural Oil x2 Tanned Hide x2
Cotton Belt 5160 - Sash Recipe 2 x1 Cotton x3 Sturdy Vine x2
Alpaca Belt 6020 - Sash Recipe 3 x3 Alpacan Cloth x3 Jhana Hide x3
Angora Belt 12040 - Sash Recipe 4 x1 Angoran Cloth x3 Large Anthrovore Arm x1
Linen Belt 14190 - Linen Cloth x3 Tough Rockshell Shell x2 Archfiend Meat x3
Power Belt 14190 - Sash Recipe 5 x1 Hypnos Fragment x2 Medal of Love x1
Goblin's Honor 14190 Basic Goblin's Drop x1 Necrodragon Bone x3 Red Oil x1
Boggart's Charity 18060 - Sash Recipe 6 x1 Boggart's Trapezoid x1 Vulture Underbelly Fur x3
Kobold's Kindness 18060 Basic Kobold's Halfdutch x1 Soft Basilisk Hide x2 Wyvern Bone x3
Verdeus Buckle 21930 - Aged Sash x1 Emerald Crystal x1 Crimson Ore x1
Rubber Belt 21930 - Sash Recipe 7 x1 Gooey Fluid x3 Superlative Cotton x3
Black Belt 33540 - Torn Sash x1 Black Oil x1 Large Weredragon Talon x2
Black Belt 33540 - Sash Recipe 8 x1 Black Oil x1 Large Weredragon Talon x2
Idol Belt 12040 - Idol Fragment x1 Imperium x1 Poison Nussknacker Needle x2
Snievan's Belt 27090 - Heart of Loyalty x1 Platinum Ore x1 Large Spiritlord Beak x3

Anklet Anklets[]

Name Price Customization Item 1 Item 2 Item 3
Greaves of Garnishing 1060 - Chimera Husk x3 Vine x2 Raptor Scale x2
Tashlon Ankleshells 2640 - Anklet Recipe 1 x1 Tashlon Shell x3 Tanned Hide x3
Greaves of Guarding 2640 - Thick Raptor Carapace x1 Translucent Water x2 Grand Beetle Husk x1
Greaves of Growling 3960 - Anklet Recipe 2 x1 Avian Fiend Fang x5 Grand Spider Carapace x2
Oberon's Providence 4620 - Anklet Recipe 4 x1 Oberon's Baguette x1 Enormous Chimera Scale x1
Greaves of Grinding 6930 - Anklet Recipe 3 x1 Large Bone x4 Angoran Cloth x3
Surgill Spats 9240 - Surgill Bulb x6 Waame Leaf x2 Televa Vine x1
Legwarmers 10890 - Anklet Recipe 5 x1 Ailanthus Branch x1 Red Oil x1
Siren's Silence 13860 - Anklet Recipe 6 x1 Siren's Square x1 Crab Fluid x4
Blancherub Greaves 16830 - Aged Anklet x1 Snowy Crystal x1 Crimson Ore x1
Draconile Anklet 16830 - Anklet Recipe 7 x1 Divine Dragonyte x1 Netherblossom x1
Drakescale Anklets 20790 - Dragon Scale x3 Leanan Sídhe Core x1 -
Prismic Anklet 20790 - Anklet Recipe 8 x1 Mystic Skelenyte x1 Ancient Vine x1
Kelpie's Blessing 20790 Basic Kelpie's Single x1 Moth Eyes x2 Bristly Vánargand Mane x2
Damascene Anklet 25740 Basic Deteriorating Anklet x1 Blacksteel Ore x1 Inverted Terrapest Barb x2
Bedazzling Anklets 16830 Basic Rough Banshee Stone x1 Manhunter Cornea x1 Vulture Underbelly Fur x3
Idol Greaves 16830 - Idol Fragment x1 Banshee Core x1 Divine Dragonyte x2

Amulet Amulets[]

Name Price Customization Item 1 Item 2 Item 3
Charm of Growling 2350 - Charm Recipe 1 x1 Fang x5 Small Feather x3
Charm of Goring 5880 - Charm Recipe 2 x1 Large Horn x4 Spiny Landworm Leg x2
Charm of Gliding 6860 - Charm Recipe 3 x1 Large Feather x3 Fenris Mane x2
Beastbone Carving 6860 - Beastman Bone x3 Astra Alloy x2 Rough Cúchulainn Stone x1
Charm of Grinding 13720 - Charm Recipe 4 x1 Jhana Rib x3 Angoran Cloth x1
Marked Mirrorglass 24990 - Charm Recipe 6 x1 Polished Scale x3 Heroic Medal x1
Marked Mirrorglass 24990 - Aged Charm x1 Medicinal Mandragora Seedling x1 Rough Boggart Stone x1
Draconile Amulet 24990 - Charm Recipe 7 x1 Divine Dragonyte x1 Netherblossom x1
Charm of Grating 30870 - Avian Fiend Wing x3 Thin Oarfish Wing x2 -
Prismic Amulet 30870 - Charm Recipe 8 x1 Mystic Skelenyte x1 Ancient Vine x1
Damascene Amulet 38220 Basic Moldy Charm x1 Blacksteel Ore x1 Preinca Shell x3
Charm of Guiding 47040 - Death Cornea x5 World Tree Timber x2 Ancient Vine x2
Wyrmcharm 47040 Intermediate Dragonicle Ore x1 Pangu's Bone x2 Abelisk Sternum x1
Idol Amulet 55860 - Idol Fragment x1 Meller Crystal x3 Diatryma Skull x1

Trinket Trinkets[]

Name Price Customization Item 1 Item 2 Item 3
Elf's Escape 18000 - Elf's Emerald x1 Wyvern Scale x2 Vile Plant Timber x3
Banshee's Requiem 94500 Basic Banshee's Octagon x1 Sharp Giant Armorshell Claw x3 Polished Scale x5
Flame Cameo 141750 - Gem Recipe 1 x1 Ruby Crystal x2 Mystic Skelenyte x1
Storm Cameo 141750 - Gem Recipe 2 x1 Voltaic Crystal x1 Mystic Skelenyte x1
Frost Cameo 141750 - Gem Recipe 3 x2 Sapphire Crystal x2 Mystic Skelenyte x1
Lytic Brooch 141750 - Gem Recipe 4 x1 Snowy Crystal x2 Mystic Skelenyte x1
Venom Brooch 141750 - Gem Recipe 5 x1 Emerald Crystal x2 Mystic Skelenyte x1
Dwarf's Gratitude 141750 Basic Dwarf's Cabochon x1 Sharp Hraesvelg Fang x2 Phantom Tail x4
Leanan Sídhe's Devotion 141750 Basic Leanan Sídhe's Brilliance x1 Sky Dragon Meat x4 Phantom Tail x4

Garment Garments[]

Name Price Customization Item 1 Item 2 Item 3
Tippet of Girding 21630 - Tough Misericorde Scale x3 Royotian Steel x1 Thick Mystic Fiend Fur x2
Stole of Grating 33990 - Charm Recipe 5 x1 Spiritlord Wing x2 Mystic Fiend Horn x5
Linen Knit 43260 - Linen Cloth x4 Anthrovore Moss x3 Superlative Tanned Hide x2
Fiend Tippet 52530 - Large Dondada Talon x2 Poison Nussknacker Needle x2 Superlative Cotton x3
Monocle of Guiding 98880 - Nether Scroll x1 Evil Charm of Fire x1 Large Dragon Scale x1
Bloody Lipstick 98880 - Evil Charm of Water x1 Evil Charm of Lightning x1 Abelisk Sternum x1
Milton's Kerchief 64890 - Heart of Loyalty x1 Platinum Ore x1 Inverted Chimera Scale x3
Zuido's Eyepatch 64890 - Heart of Loyalty x1 Platinum Ore x1 Colossus Skull x3
Ludope's Visor 64890 - Heart of Loyalty x1 Platinum Ore x1 Wyvern Beak x3
Ragna-rock 888888 - Twilight of the Gods x1 Crystal Skull x1 Clay Dinosaur Idol x1

Guild rewards group[]

Type Name Price Customization Item 1 Item 2 Item 3
Earring Ring of the Defiant Ear 5000 - Blueprint 1 x5 - -
Amulet Kismet's Kiss 7350 - Blueprint 1 x8 Blueprint 2 x2 -
Anklet Agony Greaves 9900 - Blueprint 1 x12 Blueprint 2 x12 -
Ring Rune Ring 31500 - Blueprint 1 x14 Blueprint 3 x14 (PC: x10) -
Necklace Resurrection Chain 53550 - Blueprint 1 x15 Blueprint 2 x25 Blueprint 3 x25 (PC: x20)
Sword Sword of Seven 469775 - Blueprint 1 x30 Blueprint 2 x40 Blueprint 3 x50 (PC: x30)

PC only group[]

Type Name Price Customization Item 1 Item 2 Item 3
Sword Imperator's Sword 170100 Professional Blueprint 4 x20 Captured Eye of Terror x1 -
Katana Imperator's Katana 229640 Professional Blueprint 4 x20 Captured Bloody Nussknacker x1 -
Axe Imperator's Axe 170100 Professional Blueprint 4 x20 Captured Dreamwatcher x1 -
Mace Imperator's Hammer 221130 Professional Blueprint 4 x20 Captured Stymphalian Bird x1 -
Spear Imperator's Lance 204120 Professional Blueprint 4 x20 Captured Monopole x1 -
Staff Imperator's Staff 204120 Professional Blueprint 4 x20 Captured Falak x1 -
Shield Imperator's Shield 170100 Professional Blueprint 4 x20 Captured Oblivion Wing x1 -
Anklet Imperator's Pendant 416750 Legendary Blueprint 4 x20 Captured Terror Wing x1 -
Bracelet Imperator's Bangle 244760 Legendary Blueprint 4 x20 Captured Ymir x1 -
Ring Imperator's Ring 297680 Legendary Blueprint 4 x20 Captured Holy Servant x1 -
Sword Faleria Heart 1120 - Twilight of the Gods x1 Captured Observer x5 Blueprint 3 x99