The Last Remnant Wiki


Mystic Arts represent magic in the game, as Pagus puts it, "it's a way to channel energy through your weapon, with fantastic results". Rush learns these by acquiring special items, other characters can either start with them or, in the case of unique leaders, can learn one or more of them at specific BR levels. Learning a Mystic Art grants access to its lowest rank art, which has to be used in order to unlock the more powerful ones. To find out how this works, see Developing Arts.


Mystic arts encompassing close-range attacks.
Rush acquires the ability to learn these in his first visit to Ruins of Robelia Castle.

Rank Ability Modifier AP range
AP range
Target Range Element /
C Spark Maul 9 - 6 10 - 7 Single - Thunder Light
B Wind Shear Slash 18 - 12 19 - 13 Single - - Moderate
B Double Time - 18 - 12 19 - 13 Single - SPD Up -
A Caustic Blast Maul 27 - 21 27 - 21 Area - Lytic Heavy
A Permafrost Slash 36 - 30 36 - 30 Union Long Frost Heavy
S Wildfire Maul 48 - 45 48 - 45 Union Long Flame Substantial
S Grenade Impact Bludgeon 67 - 63 67 - 63 Union - Flame Substantial


Mystic arts encompassing long-range attacks
Rush acquires the ability to learn these from the quest The Broken Seal.

Rank Ability Modifier AP range
AP range
Target Range Element /
C Mystic Missile Pierce 9 - 6 10 - 7 Single Long - Light
B Flash Arrow Pierce 18 - 12 19 - 13 Single Long - Moderate
B Silencer Pierce 27 - 21 28 - 22 Union Long Silence Moderate
B Eclipse Pierce 20 - 14 21 - 15 Union Long - Moderate
A Snare Shot Pierce 36 - 30 36 - 30 Area Long Black Out Heavy
S Palsy Skein Maul 48 - 45 48 - 45 Union Long Paralyze Substantial
S Mystic Mine Maul 67 - 63 67 - 63 Union - - Substantial


Mystic arts encompassing the infliction of status effects.
Rush acquires the ability to learn these from the quest Baaluk's Witch.

Rank Ability Modifier AP range
AP range
Target Range Element /
C Poison Gas Maul 9 - 6 10 - 7 Union Long Venom Light
B Paralyze Gas Maul 18 - 12 19 - 13 Union Long Paralyze Moderate
B Silent Gas Pierce 22 - 16 23 - 17 Union Long Silence Moderate
B Smoke Canister Maul 27 - 21 28 - 22 Union Long - Moderate
A Dispirit Bludgeon 36 - 30 36 - 30 Union - Morale Down Heavy
S Bewitch Bludgeon 48 - 45 48 - 45 Union Long Morale Down Substantial
S Cachexia Maul 67 - 63 67 - 63 Union - Clear AP Substantial


Mystic arts encompassing the recovery of HP and status.
Rush acquires the ability to learn these from the quest The Secret Letter.

Rank Ability Modifier AP range
AP range
Target Range Element /
C Restore - 9 - 6 9 - 6 Single - Recovery -
B Refresh - 18 - 12 18 - 12 Single - Clear Status Ailments -
B Rejuvenate - 18 - 12 18 - 12 Union - Clear Stat Debuffs -
A Revitalize - 27 - 21 27 - 21 Union Long Recovery -
S Support - 36 - 30 36 - 30 Union Long STR / INT / SPD Up -
S Kiss of Life - 129 - 108 129 - 108 Union - Revive -
S Second Chance - 172 - 144 172 - 144 Union - Revive / Clear Status Ailments -


Mystic arts affecting the battlefield itself to crush opponents.
Rush acquires the ability to learn these from the quest Seeker of the Ancient Path.

Rank Ability Modifier AP range
AP range
Target Range Element /
C Bluff Maul 9 - 6 9 - 6 Union Long Morale Down -
B Confuse Maul 18 - 12 18 - 12 Union Long Paralyze Moderate
B Enrage Maul 18 - 12 18 - 12 Union Long ATK Up / DEF Down Moderate
B Addle Pierce 18 - 12 18 - 12 Union Long Morale Down Moderate
A Maledict Maul 27 - 21 27 - 21 Union Long Curse Moderate
S Stealth - 36 - 30 36 - 30 Union Long Stealth -
S Mixed Message Pierce 36 - 30 36 - 30 Union - Morale Down -


Mystic arts affecting the battlefield itself to aid allies.
Rush acquires the ability to learn these from the quest The Fallen.

Rank Ability Modifier AP range
AP range
Target Range Element /
C Orphic Ward - 9 - 6 9 - 6 Single (XBOX)
Union (PC)
Long Orphic Ward -
A Protection - 27 - 21 27 - 21 Single (XBOX)
Union (PC)
Long Protection -
S Decoy - 36 - 30 36 - 30 Union Long Decoy -
SS Cheer - 48 - 45 48 - 45 Union Long Morale Up -
SS Band of Champions - 48 - 45 48 - 45 Union - Stats Up -


Mystic arts encompassing ancient spells sealed due to their terrifying force.
Specific Skill combinations are required to learn these and will trigger a Synergy. See the individual Arcana pages for more details.

Rank Ability Modifier AP range
AP range
Target Range Element /
A Blackout Slash 36 - 28 96 - 75 All Long Thunder Substantial
S Whiteout Bludgeon 48 - 40 115 - 96 All Long Frost Substantial
SS Animalcule Bludgeon 64 - 60 153 - 144 All Long Paralyze / Silence / Poison / Black Out Substantial
SS Rejuvenating Water - 64 - 60 153 - 144 All Long Recovery -
SS Fatal Eclipse Omni 64 - 60 153 - 135 All Long - Extreme
SS Crimson Flare
PC only
Omni - 153 - 144 All Long - Extreme

There are two ways to use an Arcana:

  1. Once you have learned an Arcana it can be used by the union leader when there are two additional units capable of (any) mystic arts in the same union. Triggering an Arcana this way has specific requirements (usually more enemy groups than your unions for attack and low health on several unions for Rejuvenating Water). The only exception is Crimson Flare. This Arcana must be cast using the force-trigger method.
  2. You can also force-trigger any Arcana by using one of the Skill combinations used for learning it. On the PC this is more reliable than hoping for the first method when you deactivate the other skills.
Important: Note that you still need to have the AP required to cast the Arcana, otherwise the individual arts will be used instead.