The Last Remnant Wiki


Must agree with Roberto at least once in the quests The Broken Seal, The Disappearing Knights, The Reviving Legend.

This character is missable if the quest chain is not finished before going to the Aqueducts.

Arts/Skills XBOX

Arts/Skills PC

Weapon Upgrades XBOX

BR Balance Combat Mystic
27 Crescentmoon Warrior's Scimitar Warrior's Scimitar
40 Commander's Scimitar Commander's Scimitar Commander's Scimitar
52 Elite's Scimitar Dragonfly Elite's Scimitar
72 Champion's Scimitar Champion's Scimitar Kelpie's Curse
82 Warlord's Scimitar Warlord's Scimitar Warlord's Scimitar
87 Draconile Scimitar - -
92 Divine Scimitar Divine Scimitar Divine Scimitar
102 - - Prismic Scimitar
112 - Damascene Scimitar -

Weapon Upgrades PC

Balance Combat Mystic
Commander's Scimitar Commander's Scimitar Commander's Scimitar
Elite's Scimitar Elite's Scimitar Elite's Scimitar
Tataraichi Tataraichi Tataraichi
Venom Tataraichi Venom Tataraichi Venom Tataraichi
Excellent Tataraichi Excellent Tataraichi Excellent Tataraichi
Optimal Tataraichi Optimal Tataraichi Optimal Tataraichi
- Parrying Tataraichi Aura Tataraichi


Generic (these will be replaced with weapons from the upgrade path)


Balance Physical [?] Mystic
Slot 1 Amulets (AP Increase) Belts (STR Increase) Rings (INT Increase)
Slot 2 Bracelets (HP Increase) Earrings ([Physical] Resist) Necklaces ([Mystic] Resist)
