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Item Arts is a technique of using certain ingredients together to aid in combat. Item Arts cost no AP to use, instead requiring ingredients which must first be bought or found.

All Item Arts have "Tiers" which consist of I, II, III, IV, and lastly V. Tiers increases the effectiveness of the Item Art and reduces the amount of ingredients needed to perform it. When a new Item Art is learned, it starts at the lowest Tier, which is I. Through constant use, it can attain higher Tiers, and even unlock completely new Item Arts. To find out more about how this works, see Developing Arts.


Item arts involving the use of herbs to make medicines.
Rush acquires the ability to learn these in his first visit to Gaslin Caves.
The full range of ingredients for herbs can only be purchased at Connely's Items in Athlum.

Rank Ability Modifier Ingredients Target Effect Damage
C Restorative Herb - Cureleaf, Relaxing Herb Single Recovery -
B Vivification Herb - Restoleaf, Relaxing Herb Union Revive -
B Life Powder - Cureroot, Refreshing Herb Union Recovery -
A Restorative Tincture - Curebulb, Faerie Herb Single Recovery -
A Vivification Tincture - Restobulb, Faerie Herb Union Revive -
S Frost Tincture - Frostleaf, Steel Herb Union Freeze Substantial


Item arts involving the combination of liquids to make medicines.
Rush acquires the ability to learn these after completing Union of the Golden Chalice Task 50 (Warrior's Broadsword).
The full range of ingredients for potions can only be purchased at Romulen's Items in Celapaleis.

Rank Ability Modifier Ingredients Target Effect Damage
C Red Potion - Fresh Oil, Aerial Insecta Ale Union STR Up
Charge Up (IV-V)
B Blue Potion - Fresh Oil, Mystic Fiend Ale Union INT Up
Charge Up (IV-V)
B Yellow Potion - Fresh Oil, Beastman Ale Union SPD Up
Charge Up (IV-V)
A Power Potion - Ether Oil, Land Dragon Ale Union ATK Up
Evasion Up (IV-V)
A Shield Potion - Ether Oil, Sky Dragon Ale Union DEF Up
Evasion Up (IV-V)
S Flame Bottle - Flame Oil, War Dragon Ale Union Burn Substantial


Item arts involving the use of plants to make medicines.
Rush acquires the ability to learn these after completing Union of the Golden Chalice Task 3 (Crab x7).
The full range of ingredients for lotions can only be purchased at Avielle's Items in Elysion.

Rank Ability Modifier Ingredients Target Effect Damage
C Antivenin - Mineral Water, Vitaeroot Union Clear Poison -
B Eye Cream - Mineral Water, Mite Mushroom Union Recovery -
B Throat Salve - Water of Eos, Bell Seedling Union Clear Silence -
A Invigoration Cream - Water of Eos, Young Bud Union Clear Paralyze -
A Hartshorn - Renewing Tonic, Vigorbean Union Revive -
S Cyclone Cream - Abyssal Tonic, Shockberry Union Shock Substantial


Item arts involving the creation of explosives.
Rush acquires the ability to learn these after completing Union of the Golden Chalice Task 38 (Dragon Egg x3).
The full range of ingredients for explosives can only be purchased at Solune's Items in Balterossa.

Rank Ability Modifier Ingredients Target Effect Damage
C Flash Bomb Maul Methone Explosive, Glowroot Union Evasion Down Light
B Poison Bomb Bludgeon Siarnaq Explosive, Venomweed Union Poison Moderate
B Smoke Bomb Slash Siarnaq Explosive, Smokeshrub Union DEF Down Moderate
A Sound Dampener Maul Tethys Explosive, Dreamvine Union Silence Heavy
A Acid Bomb Maul Leros Explosive, Acidsprout Union Acid Burn Heavy
S Evil Bomb Pierce Titan Explosive, Oort's Cursed Charm Union Curse Substantial


Item arts involving the combination of shards to attack.
Rush acquires the ability to learn these from the quest History's Boundary.
The full range of ingredients for shards can only be purchased at Items by Dorenzio in Nagapur.

Rank Ability Modifier Ingredients Target Effect Damage
C Gravity Tempest Slash Shard of Ages, Sand of Lithos Area [Slash] Attack
STR Down (IV - V)
B Earth Bind Bludgeon Shard of Ages, Dirt of Athenos Area [Bludgeon] Attack
INT Down (IV - V)
B Shockwave Maul Shard of Antiquity, Loam of Wadsley Area [Maul] Attack
SPD Down (IV - V)
A Sunflare Pierce Shard of Arcanum, Mud of Ringwood Area [Pierce] Attack
ATK Down (IV - V)
A Moonlight - Shard of Arcanum, Bole of Pelops Union Recovery -
S Force Majeure Omni Shard of Chaos, Clay of Marton Area Petrify Extreme


Item arts involving the creation of traps.
Rush acquires the ability to learn these from the quest The Gates of Deceit and Sword of the Dead.
The full range of ingredients for traps can only be purchased at Aunt Shino's Items in Melphina.

Rank Ability Modifier Ingredients Target Effect Damage
C Stun Trap Maul Ranger's Tools, Necropest Single Black Out -
B Land Mine Maul Ranger's Tools, Hellbloom Single Charge Down Moderate
A Retreat Flare Pierce Candle, Paranoiabud Union Morale Down -
S Pandora's Box Bludgeon Ill-Fated Box, Onyxian Gas Union Morale Down / Curse -
SS Rousing Flare - Candle, Spiritrose Union Morale Up -