The Last Remnant Wiki

You have to stop the Conqueror's army here.

The battle starts with three Escort Teams, two Stormtrooper groups and two Assist Teams. The second wave of enemies - four Beastmaster groups - appears after taking the first one out, followed by three Mystic Squads when some of the Beastmasters are dead.

Finish them off to lure out the mini boss - a Beastmaster group with a Dragon (~270,000HP) - accompanied by two Stormtrooper and two Commandos groups. Two more Assist Teams together with a Stormtrooper and a Commandos group appear the next turn.

More reinforcements will come after each turn until you finish the mini boss (there is a limit to the number of reinforcements).

The fight ends when the mini boss dies.


  • Gold depending on how many enemies you killed (approximately 46,784 gold if you kill every single enemy and wait out all reinforcements).