The Last Remnant Wiki

Random Hit Points???

Well, I've got some interesting news about monster hit points. Whenever we've had conflict over the correct HP of a monster, we've always put it down to scaling, or possibly a counting error.
However, at least some monster types have a random factor applied to their HP at the start of the battle.
I've been fighting Fibroin in Robelia Castle. I have a save immediately before the battle (I'm facing him, ready to engage).
Fight #1: First blow causes 4458 damage, the second kills him with the damage counter on 7238.
Fight #2: Killed him with one blow, 5475 damage.
I now have enough data to state that he has approximately 5000HP, yes? No.
Fight #3: He's still standing at 5819, and doesn't die until 6473.
So on fights 2&3, he had a different HP, despite the circumstances being identical. I'm off to see if regular monsters have this "feature" too!
Ferret37 18:30, 14 February 2009 (UTC).

Makes me wonder if we should change the HP value to "Minimum HP Value found" :P Then we can put in the lowest and highest HP values that we've come across and people can expect something in the middle! Andrealinia970 18:58, 14 February 2009 (UTC)